Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Riding public transportation

Many people who live in the Washington, DC area use public transportation to go to school or work. Instead of driving a car, they walk to the nearest bus stop or Metro (subway) station and take a bus or train.

Yesterday, I got to ride on BOTH kinds of public transit! My first trip was on the subway.

I got on at the Federal Center Southwest station. I'm pointing to the station on the map above. You need a SmarTrip card in order to ride the trains and buses here - I'm holding my SmarTrip card in my other hand.

Here I am on the train platform, waiting for my train to come.

When I got on the train, it was rush hour. That's when a lot of people are going to or from work. Sometimes the train is so crowded that there aren't any seats available, so people have to stand and hold onto bars along the ceiling and in the middle of the car. Luckily, I was able to find a seat!

Later in the day, I took the bus. Here's a map of the bus routes that go past the bus stop where I waited.

Did you know that the bus doesn't always stop at every bus stop? The driver will pull over to a stop if they see someone waiting at the bus stop. On the bus, there is a sign and a recorded voice that tell you what the next stop will be. If you want to get off, you pull a yellow cord to let the driver know.

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