Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Young at Heart Chorus at the Academy of Music

Do you know what the phrase "young at heart" means? It means that no matter how old you are on the outside, you still feel young on the inside. Maybe you have lots of energy, or act a little goofy. Maybe you're 85 years old but still really love playing with kids. All these things are part of being young at heart.

The Young At Heart Chorus is a singing group that's only open to people who are older than 73 years old.  Their oldest members are over 90! They still have a great time singing together, and they are a big part of Northampton. I got to see them in concert with Dane and Rowan!

Here I am at the Academy of Music, one of the best theaters in Northampton. We weren't allowed to take any pictures inside, so these photos someone else took will have to do!

This is what it looks like from the inside at the Academy of Music. It's beautiful, and the high ceilings make all the sounds coming from the stage sound gorgeous.

The Young at Heart Chorus sang lots of great songs - some were old, some were new. They danced a little bit to each one. Don't they look snazzy here?

I had a great time listening to the music. Sometimes, we even got up and danced. I can't wait to see what my next Northampton adventure is! 

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