Thursday, April 16, 2015

Northampton and Herrell's Ice Cream!

Whoa! Hello there! Sorry it's taken me a little while to get my feet on the ground in Northampton; I had an unexpected visit to the wrong mailbox before Dane and Rowan, my Northampton hosts, were able to get a hold of me. Everything's okay now, and we're having lots of fun.

After my long trip, I really needed a sweet treat, so they brought me to Herrell's Ice Cream!

What makes Herrell's so special? Well, back in 1973, Steve Herrell decided he wanted to make ice cream more exciting. He knew people loved to put toppings on their ice  cream, so he took it one step further - he had his workers smoosh the toppings into the ice cream. Yum! His idea was so good that many ice cream stores do this today.

Here's me with all those toppings at Herrell's!

I decided to skip the ice cream for today and get a tasty drink called an egg cream. What do you think is in an egg cream? If you guessed eggs and cream, you might be surprised - there are NO eggs and NO cream in this drink.  Instead, an egg cream has milk, chocolate syrup, and plain soda mixed together - kind of like a bubbly chocolate milk. 

Egg creams were invented in the 1930s, when there was very little money for fancy things like eggs and cream, so people invented a simple drink and pretended it was as fancy as eggs and cream. At Herrells, they make their egg creams with 4 big spoonfuls of chocolate syrup. How many spoonfuls of syrup would YOU like in your egg cream?

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