Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Hi Ms Rodes’ First Grade Class!

My latest adventure took me to the mountains of Maryland, in a place called Frostburg. It was not snowing here, and it was actually quite warm and sunny (90 degrees) and then it got cold! Think I will be glad to hop in the mail tomorrow! They are under a frost warning tonight!!

My new friends are Kyle, Karl and Colin Vogtman. They are 3rd grade, 1st grade, and pre-K students. Kyle did a Flat Stanley project with his class last year. Kyle and Karl were in a play (I missed it) called Flat Stanley, Jr. They put on parts of their costumes and took pictures with me. They also acted out their scenes.
Dr. Dan
Kyle was Dr. Dan, the doctor who diagnosed me (or the play me) as being flat. He was really funny about it. He talked very loudly and kept calling me Andy and my mom Mrs. Porkchop! At one point during the exam, I kicked him and he fell over! I laughed really hard when Kyle and his dad acted that part out for me.

The Sneak Thief
Karl was the “Sneak Thief”. He was going to steal a famous painting from a very large art museum in Paris, the Louvre. But I was able to disguise myself as a painting (I had to wear a Little Bo Peep costume) and called for help just in time. But the sneak thief called me “one uggggly girl!”, which was also very funny.

Mrs Vogtman works as a Physics Professor at a college (Potomac State College of West Virginia University). They held their graduation ceremony on Saturday and she took me along.

I got to sit on stage at a real college graduation ceremony.

The professors tried to get me a diploma, but the Dean (the person in charge of making certain everyone follows the rules) wouldn't let them. But I had my picture taken with lots of the professors. Some of them have pretty crazy outfits! It is called academic regalia. I thought the hats were funny, but I tried not to laugh out loud at them!

On Sunday the boys shot off rockets in the field by their house. The rockets went up really, really high!! I wanted to ride on one, but Mr. Vogtman told me no. He was afraid the wind would blow me into a tree and I would be stuck. Something like that happened to Flat Stanley in the play. Some other kids turned him into a kite and he got stuck in a tree. So Mr. Vogtman thought it was better safe than sorry. 

On Monday Colin took me to his pre-K class. It was “z” day there. So I had to think of some “z” sharing. There were lots of zoo animals and zebras. Can you think of any other z’s? I thought it was a tough letter. I like “s” better. I can think of lots of “s” words, like Stanley!

I also got to play catch with the boys, play in their tree house, meet their pets (a cat, a dog, a Guinea pig, three hermit crabs, and a fish bigger than me!!!). It was a lot of fun, but I think I am ready to head home.

Cupcake the Guinea pig

hermit crabs

Dena the dog

Mr. Tigger Nibbs the cat

giant goldfish